This is my personal beautiful journey as a wife and a mother to Funtastic 4!!

My Frenz

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Kad Kawen

Hye gorgeous....

Kad kawen...skang dah macam2 kad kawen dah orang buat..ade yg bentuk calendar..scroll...note pad n mcm2 lagi kan?
Color pon dah cantik n design pon dah makin creative n up to date :)
Nadya mmg suke simpan kad2 kawen org...

Mase nadya kawen aritu....mmg seblom kawen..mmg dah impikan nak buat kad kawen yg jenis keras (hard cover)...
hahahhah...kat sini mmg mahal kan hard cover?nad pernah survey dalam rm 15 mcm tu kot per card...

So tempat yg murah nak wat hard cover card is kat Indon. So ape lagi, nad pon gi jakarta...
Kat sane mmg banyak card yg cantik2 n murah2...
Doorgift pon byk n nad dah bli doorgift kat kat Jakarta mase tu nak wat card n nak cari kain2 for bridesmaid...etc..

Nad punye card kawen dapat rm4.00 per pcs, tp bile bawak balik + tax sume = RM 6 per card.
Mahal gak eh?tp bcoz nad mmg nak sgt hard nad tutp mate je bayar tu...hahahaahah :)
since nad buat dinner jemputan terhad...
nad tempah 300pcs cards je...thats the minimum order...

Wedding card envelope

My reception Wedding card

Nampak x reben hijau kad card tu?reben tu nadya letak coz color theme for reception is green :)
seb baik org kedai tu willing to add on reben. Oh ya, lupe nak bgtau...mase nadya pegi tempah card tu...nadya dapat rm 3.00 per i thot it was ok.compared to harge kat KL kan? and after balik call..email2 for ammendments n sort of..bleh x die cakap..harge envelope tu xinclude? kalau nak buat envelope..kene tambah rm1.00 total card rm4.00.

Mase nadya bawak balik to KL, nadya mmg bawak dgn biesela..bile kat airport sane tu dah kene tahan for tax...n sampai Kl pon kene tahan gak kat LCCT mase bile borak2 skit dgn abg yg tahan kat airport KL tu..die ng kat indon kene total for card dah include tax , nad dapat rm6.00 per pcs.

Tips kalau korang nak buat card kat indon, if nak bwk balik Malaysia...better korang simpan card tu dalam big luggage...xpyh bwk kotak..if dlm luggage dieorg xcheck..if dalam kotak ni..biesela..nak kene bukak n byr tax xpsl2...

For belah hubby, card simple.nad pon suke card blah hubby...
Tak silap nad..card die rm2.00, but we ordered 2000pcs of dapat dlm rm1.00 per card.

Grey reben tu my SIL buat n lekat sendri...penat kan?bygkan for 2000pcs of cards?
hehehheheh :)

I love both of my wedding cards...for my reception n blah bertandang aritu....
Skang ni dah mcm2 design kad kawen dah...tepuk dada tanye selera :)


  1. Nana-heheheheh :) tq laling

    Shura shushi-tq dear :)

  2. terbaik kad u nadya...kak long teruja la...:)

  3. sangat cantik....waahhh..nak satu boleh? hehe

  4. Kak long-terima kasih kak long :) card yg 1st tu..nadya tmbh skit2...mcm kerawang n reben tu :) kalau x kad tu plain je...

    miey anna-hehehheh :) ala laling..nak cmne?majlis i dah lepas pon dah..hehehehhe

    cik zimie-yup...hahaahah..2000 pcs of cards...gile la..nak buat reben n nak lekat..heheheh ...pengsan! terror btol my SIL tuh..
