This is my personal beautiful journey as a wife and a mother to Funtastic 4!!

My Frenz

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Yeah bebeh!!!!
It's Honeymoon!!!!
haahhahahaah..excited lebih cik nadddddddd!!!byk lagi preparation lain cik kak!!!
hahahaahaha..gedikssssssss ok!!!blom settle pe2 dah pk pasal honeymoon bleh?huhuhuhuh...xde la..if u plan ur travel early via Air Asia..murah beb!!!(wink wink....bertambah kegedikan)!!!hahahahaahhah
Mr Fiance dah cakap awal2..die nak tempat yg ade BEACH...die nak relax katenye.....(MALDIVES??MAURITIUS??) hahahahhahaha...bestkan if dapat pegi sini..heheheeheheeh :D (senyum lebarrrrr) kawan2 saya yg dah pegi ckp tempat ni xde pe2..if u ols..mmg nak bermanje2 ok la...hahahaha..nak berdua2 an...namepon honeymoon kan? mcm xsesuai je for me & mr Fiance.....kteorg ni jenis yg xleh dok diam!!!!
Lagipon quite pricey la...we can't afford!heheheeheh..maybe kne save duit la nak gi sini..heheheehehe..but again, both of us xboleh la if tempat yg mmg xde pe2..hahahahah..nanti boringggggggggggg!!!
If sesape yg mmg ade budget gi sini..u ols boleh check out kat Matta Fair..rasenye bulan 3 next year ade Matta Fair xsilap...u can get around 6k for flight,accomodation,food,snorkelling sume to Maldives)-info from my fren yg dh gi cni....
So ini adalah tempat2 yg ade dlm kepala saye dan Mr Fiance....


Fav destination for b2b's...heheehehehhe....i went here last 2 years with my frens...mmg best ok!!!!mase tu we went for gurls trip...aisehhhhhhhh..smua org kt ctu bercouple ok!hahahahaahah..rase we all mcm lesbian partner plak!hahahahahaah
Tempat die mmg heaven for honeymoon...coz xde pe2 sgt...sangat sesuai untuk pasangan yg btol2 inginkan ketenangan dan kedamaian..hahahaahahah
from Krabi...boleh naik boat to Phi-Phi Island pulak...mmg best!


How bout PHUKET gurls?Phuket ni best jugak...sesuai la for couples yang nak have fun + entertainment + cuci mata....(hahahahaah....cuci mata tgk brg2 ye...bukan tgk THAI GURLS!!!)
Then from Phuket boleh amik boat pegi Pa Nga or Phi-Phi...
I think mcm Phuket ni sesuai untuk me + Mr fiance..coz we all bosan if tempat tu xde pe2...if mcm Phuket ni...boleh jalan2...kuar jalan2 gi shopping ke...rasenye kat Phuket lagi sesuai untuk we all kot...huhuhhuhu

                 Syoknye kalau dapat dok villa cam gini...VERANGAN!!!huhuhuhu

                                              Cantik kan?

                                           Phuket Fantasea show yg famous


Wowo...Gold Coast??bestnye if dapat gi cni...hahahhahah...
But trust me..if u rajin tgk website AA mmg certain period bile dieorg de promotion..mmg u ols boleh dapat cheap tix!
My colleague went to GC for his honeymoon...die ckp mmg best!bleg tgk Koala..Kangarooo....lepak kat Surfers Paradise....
Still terbayang2 lagi gbr2 yg die tunjuk mase die balik honeymoon aritu...hehehehehehe
GC ni mcm smua ade..heheheh..nak tgk whales pon ade!!best oooooooooo...
If ade rezki boleh gi cni..heheheheeheh

                                           Selain gi beach, boleh gi Movie World...

                                            Whale Watching..bestnyeeeeeeee

                                               Cute koala..

p/s : b2b out there..rajin2 la survey AA or MAS..they do buat promo...check it out ladies!!!!
any promo yg best2 leh share....
jom serang Matta Fair nanti on March 2011


  1. Belle....heheeheheeh, tu ar Gold Coast mcm best kan?hehehheh...i tgk gbr my fren..dpt tgk whale..koala..kangaroo..huhuhuhuh..mcm best!pastu leh wat cruise dinner..heheheheeheh
    nak pegi sgt..hehehheh :D

  2. babe..
    i go for gold coast!
    mmg idaman i la nk g cni.
    tp kne tgu AA promo la bru mampu..huhu.klu x, mmg tak la kn..
    g la u gold coast..
    klu i x dpt g, tgk u g pn da syokkk...hehe.=p

  3. mawai-tu la..i pon nak gi gold coast!!!!hahahaahah,jom kite survey AA nye promotion....
