This is my personal beautiful journey as a wife and a mother to Funtastic 4!!

My Frenz

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Healthy Diet by Lynda

Good morning girls....
korang dah breakfast...nadya xbreakfast lagi ni...nadya susah nak makan kang lunch makan mcm ape kan?
Korang jangan skip breakfast tau..Breakfast tu paling penting to start a la, kalau korang xmakan breakfast...nanti cmne nak bertahan whole day kan?
Makanan pertama yg masuk dalam perut tu penting...and actually kalau kite amik can help to reduce risk of heart attack...

Ok, semalam nadya ngadu kat Lynda...camne ni nak kurus?sempat ke lagi nadya kurus ni...
Aritu gi fitting baju nikah xmuat coz baju tu sendat...adoiiiiiiiiii
Lynda cakap arini die akan post entry psl healthy diet die...Lynda dah berjaya menguruskan badan before her wedding and mase her wedding day, her beautiful wedding dress fits her well...
And on her wedding day...Walllahhhhhhhhhhhh..she look absolutely GORGEOUS!!!!

So lynda motivate nadya boleh jadi kurus cam die..heheheeh :)
coz lynda aritu pon dalam 1 month die kurus almost 1.5kg...
Harus diet ni....

So from today....kene start diet plan and hope it works well on me......
Nak jadi cantekkkkkkkkkkkk...

Untuk start diet plan ni..nadya kene SAY NO to :

                                    JUNK FOODS boleh wat gemokkkkkkkkkk!

                                       ICE CUBE...

                                            ICE this is my favvvvvv!


And nadya kene start banyak makan this kind of food :

            VEGETABLES....adoiiiiiiiiiii, ni la nadya xsuke makan...erkkkk



So agak2 boleh xnadya amalkan makan mcm ni je?
serious nak kurussssssssssss....

Kalau dah kurus balik..baru bleh makan sume makanan yg best2 mcm kat ats tu...erkkkkkkk..

Kalau you all nak ikut cara Lynda diet..pls CLICK HERE... mana tau kite bleh gak kurus dalam mase yg cepat kan?
heheeheheh :)

Gud Luck Nadya :)


  1. huwaaa i pon ade mslh yg sama...2 months to go but still berat takmo turun...hoho

    harus ikot tips diet ni walaupon biasanya gagal...hahaha *tak kuat semangat*

  2. liza pun..hangat2 tahi ayam je..konon 2011 nk melantak byk ade la..

  3. NANA-heheehe, i pon same ok...punye la skip nasi konon2 org ckp leh xgak kurus2..heran..sampai gi fitting baju xmuat sendat!!cmne tu??

    Littlesunshine-heheehehe, chaiyokkkkkkkk..jom kite try sesame :)

  4. kena gigih diet sis. sis lynda boleh, u pun mesti boleh punye. chaiyok chaiyok!!! kite pun kurang makan malam sebab lepas mandi petang terus gosok gigi. pastu kalau orang ajak makan malam, jarang join sebab dah gosok gigi kan. punye la pemalas nak gosok gigi balik. and that's why badan sekeping macam papan. hahaha.

  5. sedapnye mkn2 yg xle makan 2...hehehehehe ;)

  6. HAHAHAHAHAHA apedaaa.... lynda pon sebenarnye 2 kali kantoi makan big mac sbb tak tahan godaan ;) babe, tapi insyaAllah kalau disiplinkan diri, mmg boleh, add on, makan jamu mak dara, meletop!

  7. Huhuhu sy baru je makan McD, tp tu pun sekali 6 bulan je. Terpaksa makan tadi. T_T

    Takpe Nadya! You can do it! Eat a lot of fruits, cepat detox (aka bersedia nak pegi toilet ye :P)

  8. oshinz-hahhaaha, gud advice tu...

    mizzunderstood-heheeeh, tau xpe beb..dah la umah i depan je nak drive thru mcD. lapar je drive thru...

    lynda-skali skale xpe beb..i ni last week..almost everyday makan MCD..hahaahahah
    pastu ice blended..erghhhhhh

    fie-skali je 6months...wowwwwwwww!!!
    tu ar nak kene makan byk fruits ni...chaiyokkkkk
