This is my personal beautiful journey as a wife and a mother to Funtastic 4!!

My Frenz

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Toiletries for Mummy

Hye..selalunye kalau preggy women, xdigalakkan pakai brg2 yg ade unsur2 chemical coz it can affects your baby.
And i dont know how about mommies out there but for nad, since nad preggy..nad nye hormon change so badly!!!!
rambut nad jd bercabang n keras mcm rumput kering.grammmmmm tgk!
pastu eczema n rashes start naik...ooohhhhhhhhh....buruk n gatal!
nak letak cream sume xboleh coz doc xbg letak pe2....rase nak nanges tgk kulit sendri yg comot gile skang...
mcm kudis dah jdnye...
so doc advised nad tukar sume toiletries to organic product...
so nad came across TRUKID nye product. product ni from USA and so far nad gune mcm best n bgs...
die bau buah n chemical free...that means xde BPA & Phthalate ,sls,gluten n dioxane.
Mmg safe for babies pon. Nad ingat nanti nak gune all range of this products for my babies nanti.
So far nad baru bli lotion n shower gel from tru kid ni...n mmg recommended for all mommies especially yg ade very2 sensitive skin mcm nad :)

Macam shampoo n conditioner, normally sume shampoo kat market contains SLS kan?
so, now nad gune shampoo n conditioner from Burts Bees. Ni pon natural products.
So it is free from SLS and chemical. Tapi yg xbest bile nak shampoo tu xde buih coz xde SLS kan?
so kene gune shampoo ni lebih skit and make sure rambut btol2 basah before letak shampoo tu..
Lip balm die pon ok. Since preggie, bibir nad merekah n kering je. Tak tau la apsal..pdhal banyak dah minum air...

So, all mom's to be...lets change ur skincare..toiletries to natural product :)


  1. beza plak ngan i. since preggy, rambut i x serabut sangat. jerawat pon segan2 jer nak ada. baru2 ni je, ada, tapi kecik2. alhamdulillah la..kat mana ada jual TRUKID ni?

  2. nad...knp botol sabun tu mcm sabun basuh? haha

    tp benda2 camni mesti mahal kn? huhu

  3. Vee-lucky u beb..since i preggy..rambut i bercabang truk..sampai mcm rumput kering dah rupenye..hahahaah :) sob sob...potong pendek pon ade lagi split ends beb...tension!
    tru kids ni ade kat kids dept isetan klcc

    nana-xmahal beb, 1 bottle dlm rm29 je

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  6. nk beli la lotion ni..

    perut,peha semua dh terase menarik sehingga gatal2...

    mule2 igt kan ader ulat gigit..rupenyer kulit menarik sbb baby smakin beso..hihihi

  7. hai nad. i'm new here. salam perkenalan :)

  8. haha!! tapi i potong jugak rambut bagi pendek sebab banyak gugur. rimas. my cousin, ms preggy naik rashes. pas bersalin, terus ilang. i pon ingat brand ni mahal. hehe. sebab i tgk Buds pon cam mahal jer aritu. tapi, tengok skali lalu jer set dia.

  9. Gadis-u letak x stretchmark lotion kat ur tummy?

    vee-rambut i pon byk gugur beb...i ingat nanti nak gune set ni for babies la far i gune ok...

  10. Hihi..hana terbalik plk.rambut kurang gugur.jd lebat n jerawat dh xnaik mcm sblm preggy. :-) tp yg buruknya hitam2 kt leher n strerchmarks kt tepi pggng.wuuuuuuu..buruks.

  11. saye masalah rambut kurang..masalah gatal..bukan kat perut yang orang kate normal tu..tapi kat kaki...!! saye garuk2 sampai luke..!! berparut..buruk dah...memang geram...tapi since pegnan tetibe kulit mengering...pelik gak..pakai losyen semua tak jalan...*sigh

  12. hana-nad comot sgt...rambut bercabang mcm rumput kering!hbs pendek nad potong..stress!!!!
    pastu allergic naik dah mcm kurap rupenye...burok!

    Aty-yup, same..i naik gatal2 kat sume plipat2 n mmg gatal...i pon garu sampai darah2...

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